J ust a few little years back, I knew nothing on the subject. Sure I had flare for decorating – I guess somewhere goes hand in hand with fashion (and I love fashion), and, I always had an urge to live in neat and organized space. Unrelated to that, my profession is Product Marketing in Financial Services.

But the life changed upside down once I lost my job in 2011 due to an economic crisis that shook the world. And then, I guess life decided to spice up the things a little, so it made all that to happen just fifteen days after I purchased my first house, with my partner at that time.  Oh and another extra surprise; the house was a complete fixer-upper from the `60-ies… Yeah… Fun times!
Anyway… survived, and more than that!

While I`ll let you read more about me and what really happened in this link, I`d like to tell you the amazing things I discovered about myself and the things I accomplished with this unfortunate house. Or, was it fortunate?! After all, here we are, about to talk some magazine worthy designs that I came up with, and that I, actually, built it myself! Yes, you are reading this correctly. This house, turned into my next job, and then it turned into this blog. It`s because I thought; why not share my new knowledge and the experience with the other home owners, or renters, who also appreciate living in pretty spaces but the professional advice and help is not in their budget.

How I started creating spaces, little by little, some stripes crept in with every new room, until I realized; I HAVE A THING FOR STRIPES! When I looked better, sure enough, even my wardrobe said the same! But jokes aside my dear folks, I discovered the whole new world of building material and construction, and I fell in love. The smell of the piles of subfloor and 2by4s, the piles of drywall at the hardware store, will now excite me more than the shoe store used to did. That is how much the life changed. But did not stop loving the shoes though…

Blog categories

If your goal is to save money but still, you`d like to enjoy life in beautifully created home, AND, you are also not afraid of work, stick with me, I will show you exactly how I did it. Weather you are in, for a little demolition and building up from ground zero, or, you are more into rather re-decorating projects, I have examples for you. If you are like me and are always on the lookout for the ways to recycle and upcycle, I will have DIY projects to show and tips to share. Hopefully you will find these pages beneficial for perhaps something that you are already doing or thinking of doing, or simply beneficial to your creative mind and soul. Then we have plenty in common, so let`s be friends.

Scan below, the examples of the future posts which I am preparing, taking you step by step, from the idea to the completion of the project, filled with tips and useful information, will be something that you can follow. On the bottom of the page you will find what is already posted, and most likely in the elaborate YouTube video format, which remains my goal in order to get you the best learning experience and true inspiration. I am looking forward to your comments in those posts and hopefully some of your experiences too. I`d like this to be a place where we all learn from each other.

And now; here are the announcements of the future video episodes coming your way:

1. When you are completely gutting the place down and building it back up from scratch

2. When you are revamping the exact same space with the exact same furniture, while playing with the color and decorating details

3. When you are making old items, the ones set for garbage, brand new again

4. When the spontaneous scribble turns into a feature wall, AND ARE NOT STRIPES! (There is a hope for me?!)

Video tutorials coming soon and whatever new, it will be displayed right here. Sign up with your email and get notified when the new post comes out.

Masterbedroom Makeover

Masterbedroom Makeover

WATCH VIDEO HERE! “Hi! I`m Olja and I`ll show you how to completely gut an old master bedroom and transform it to a brand new retreat getting the most out of the same space. I`ll share the tips on how to achieve magazine worthy look, and, SAVE MONEY by doing it yourself, even with no previous design nor building experience.”

read more

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